katie cheadle

The new website is on its way.
The new website is on its way.
Unlock Your Limitless Potential
it's time to experience the magic and magnificence of your own existence

1:1 Coaching
I work with individuals in person and via Zoom. My approach is collaborative, compassionate, and trauma informed. I integrate both shadow work and strength based coaching, supporting you through the inevitable death and rebirth journey again and again. My goal is to help you blossom into the fullness of who you are. I celebrate your unique genius, authenticity, and freedom!
Private Events
Bring the art of ritual and ceremony to your next gathering. Whether it's feminine embodiment for a girl's night, cord cutting after a break up, inner child work for deep healing, or the magic of archetypal work to connect to your Highest Self, together we will honor the spirit and sacredness of this journey.
Bringing Soul to the Workplace
I help teams connect to a vision that is aligned with their greatest mission. Both the leadership and group culture impact the creativity, productivity, and health of the organization. My trainings and services include conscious communication, team building, and mindfulness based stress reduction.
Every moment of synchronicity confirms my deep belief that devotion to one's own inner work is the beam that keeps you on the path. Keep following the light.